Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Heraklion Development Agency
Heraklion Development Agency
Our branding quest for a public development agency
ANHER (Heraklion Development Agency) is one of the largest development agencies in Greece.
Οwned by local authorities and private bodies, they were established in 1989 and since then they have supported municipalities and the Region of Crete to realize their development role.
ANHER has achieved to implement one of the largest Local CLLD/LEADER programs in Greece. They coordinate three inter-local cooperation projects and a transnational one, with the participation of a total of over thirty partners from Greece and Cyprus, under EAFRD.
Moreover, they are active in the implementation of several other European and international collaboration projects such as the SWITCH ASIA grant and the COSME projects.
Our task was to develop their visual identity and digital presence. Due to the broad variety of their work we would need to navigate a plethora of projects, dissect, organize and present them in an organized, coherent visual environment.
Content heavy and elaborate, the website is addressing two main user profiles with different needs:
Individuals searching for information on the different European Union funding projects, procedures, announcements, and open calls, and National Government Organizations interested in collaborating with ANHER.
So as to handle the vast amount of information we opted for a flat design style dressed in a warm palette and distinct typographic layouts.
Through thorough qualitative research, wireframe design and testing, we analyzed the pain points of the previous website and established the aspects that needed to be covered.
The usually problematic long texts, excel sheets, and titles were hierarchized and became the main element of their identity.
This way we managed to aid the user navigate easily and reach the core of information through a crisp layout and coherent UI design elements.