Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

When archaeology gives birth to contemporary visual language
Drawing inspiration from the authentic Minoan diet, Minoan Spora features a variety of products ranging from olive oil, herbs, and honey, to traditional rusks and cookies.
Our task was to create a branding and packaging design that would resonate both with the Greek and international markets.
We went back to our Cretan roots for this one.
Our source of inspiration was the iconic jewelry of the Minoan era, the stunning artifacts which also refer directly to the environment and produce of the island.
After all, the Cretan products share the same elegance and feel, in fact, like natural jewels. Thus was born the slogan: ‘The jewels of Minoan land.”
In order to visually reflect this concept we worked with a color palette that directly refers to the frescos and archaeological findings from this era. We paired the main colors with earthy tones, further referring to the Cretan land.

Each of the ingredients turned into a pattern inspired by the jewelry. In this manner we managed to both illustrate the products but also retain a level of aesthetic grace that would create the unified visual identity across all applications.
We defined the product as something rare and precious, while simultaneously exploring the archaeological wealth of the Minoan culture.
This helped us create a design that adds a unique touch to each implementation.
The result is a meaningful and artistic blend of past and present that really stands out on the shelves.
Web development by: Baked
Web development by: Baked
Web development by: Baked