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Visual identity for a woodworm that resists
Jam Art Company is a professional dance group, created by choreographer Konstantinos Tsakirelis in 2008.
We’ve been collaborating on their visual presence since their inception.
“ANOBIUM: the common chair criminal” (Ανόβιο in Greek) is a strongly political performance about… a furniture beetle.
This performance examines an, unfortunately, timeless issue: the endless hunt of power by dictators, leading to the abolition of democracy through oppression.
But what happens when a common woodworm slowly eats away the chair of power?
To underline the historical references of Anobium, we opted for a palette that directly refers to films and documentaries about the second world war. The set of illustrations accompanying the chair of power, further spotlight the unspeakable actions of these dictators.
The monkey’s face on the chair is a comment on the primal thinking in the lust for power.
Through satirical commentary the performers come together to portray Anobium, warning the audience about freedom, how fragile it is, and how easily we can lose it.
Photography by: Jannik Weylandt
Photography by: Jannik Weylandt
Photography by: Jannik Weylandt